Monday, June 9, 2014

Sometime Life is Almost too Perfect

So my life is pretty much going perfect right now and not gonna lie it scares me a little. Things don't go perfect in my life. I am the one who messes up, picks the wrong guy, comes on too strong, gets cheated on or just basically goes crazy white chick and is so insecure that I drive guys away. But this time none of that is happening. In one week I will officially be dating my boyfriend for a year which is amazing since that is normally my cut off. 

The one year mark, for me, means a serious commitment. If you stay with that person past a year you are choosing them, you see a future with them, you want a future with them. Usually by one year I find all the flaws and either act so crazy that I become a huge mess and break up with him. This usually leads to crazy parties, drunken times and the occasional random make out session with whoever is looking good at the time. 

But right now I don't feel any of that. I don't worry that he is going to cheat or that I am going to cheat or that something is going to go wrong. Everything is going right. We mesh so well, and both our families are amazing and all my friends love him. 

So why am I waiting for the other shoe to drop? For something to mess up? For me to mess up? Guess all I can do is suppress my crazy and pray that that other shoe is a very old and thin flip flop that doesn't make a splash in my life.