Monday, September 29, 2014

Nutella Pancakes Will Start Your Day Right

This weekend I decided to be a good girlfriend and make breakfast for the boy and his roommate. Granted I was also up and moving way before either of them even thought of waking up and I was more than a little bored.

I hopped on pinterest and decided to try something new and experiment just a little. It was there that I found a recipe for nutella pancakes that was just amazing. The original recipe can be found here

Here is a picture of the recipe if you don't feel like going to the original post

They are very easy to make. I will say that the batter comes out very thin (at least it did when I made it) so the pancakes aren't quite as fluffy as normal. I'm sure you can tinker with the flour and other ingredients to remedy this.

I found they were awesome when topped with some strawberries and whipped cream.

This is one plate of my completed breakfast!
the eggs were scrambled with cheese
the bacon was baked at 425 until crispy

Monday, September 22, 2014

That Moment When You Realize You Might Be Getting Old

So this weekend I spent a very exciting and fun time at my boyfriends old Fraternity house, drinking and generally having a great time. Saturday we started the day at 10 AM in the beer garden for their Greek Week closing games. Needless to say once 7 PM rolls around we are all feeling more than a little tipsy.

As we enter party mode we decide what could be better than belting old Backstreet Boys, N*Sync, Britney and other 90s hits? We are getting really into the music and I realize that one of the new pledges is sitting in their seat completely silent. He is not singing or joining in at all. Curious as to why I ask him why he is being a party pooper and encourage him to sing ridiculously (like all of us).

I proceed to get the biggest shock of my life, he does not know the lyrics. When these songs were wildly popular he was still an infant. That fact just blew my mind and I officially felt old. I encouraged him to learn them since they are the greatest of drunk songs and proceeded to dance and sing as loud as I could with everyone else who was lucky enough to be raised in the 90s.

As I sit her contemplating this moment again I can't help but feel sad for that kid and the rest of his pledge class. He missed out on one of the greatest decades and his parties will forever be sad because he will not have these 90 pop songs to fall back on when he needs a drunk sing session.

I also used this as a reminder that age is just a number and even though this kid is slightly younger than me I am still able to part with the best of them so remember to sing as loud as you can, dance like a maniac and enjoy life because we got to experience the 90s and the younger generation didn't.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Don't Judge a Job by it's Title

Not to long ago I was a recent college grad who was so thankful to find a job in the same town where I graduated from thus enabling me to only partially grow up and assume the role of College Graduated adult. While I worked my normal 8-5 I slowly adjusted from college kid with no problems to the financial independent young woman I now am (well you know more independent than when I was a college student anyways).

But after a year of struggling to party like a college kid while living as an adult I began to realize that I was ready to move on. Don't get me wrong I loved my town and my friends and everything that involved living in a college town, and I still miss everything (especially the drink prices, penny pitchers? quarter draws? who wouldn't love those?), but eventually there comes a time when we all realize that college is over and the real world has arrived.

For me it came when my best friend found a new job and decided to move. I was so happy for her and so sad all at the same time. She was my roommate and I hated the idea of someone else living in the apartment that we shared and decorated and made our own. Plus I was losing a crafting and gossip buddy. Granted I had other friends but losing your bestie was just a lot to take in.

Plus I hated my job. I loved most of the people, for example my boss was more amazing than I could ever imagine. For a first real boss he set the bar so high. He was relaxed and fun and could joke around with me. We had the same taste in books and shows and it also helped that he was gay and would always compliment my outfit and wanted to hear all about my shopping trips! But alas the job was a customer service one so spending each day getting yelled at by people who don't understand medical billing is pretty draining. Most days when I went home I didn't want to see or speak to anyone. I was emotionally drained and only wanted a glass of wine, my puppy and to watch someone else's drama on reality TV (preferably something on Bravo, they always find the most drama filled people!).

Moving day came and went. She left and found a subleaser who was ok. Clean, kept to himself, took care of my dog when I left on some drunken adventure so I couldn't really complain, but I missed having her around. IT also didn't help that my boyfriend and my mom lived in the same city she just moved to. So with all this motivation behind me I decided it was time for a change. I was going to move back home and live with my mom and find a new job.

Why I decided to live with my mom over living on my own is a whole different story, and definitely deserves its own post, but finding a job turned out being a lot more difficult than I originally thought. I have a background and degree in the medical field so naturally that was my main search area, however I quickly found that although tons of places have job openings they aren't really looking to fill all the open spots, or if they are it is for a very small amount of money or non full time, meaning no benefits, meaning not for me.

Thus after almost two months I was beginning to think that I was stuck where I was. Granted I know two month is really not that long of a time but I was ready to move right away so any wait was a bad wait. Than my mom emailed me with an opportunity at her work. The title was office assistant, the job description sounded boring. Basically I was a glorified receptionist, but the money was more than I was making then plus it would get me in the right area so even if I found something better later down the road at least I would be home with my friend and loved ones.

I applied and was quickly called for my first interview. I went and was very impressed with all the women that I met. They all seemed fun and interesting and I knew that I would get along with them so I figured if nothing else at least I might make a friend or two at work.  A few days after my interview they called and offered me the job. Although still not completely thrilled with what the job description was I figured why not and accepted. If it was complete unbearable I could continue to look at other opportunities and at least this way I wouldn't have to drive 2 hours for interviews.

The first day of my new job came and I was so amazed at how nice everyone was. It wasn't the "I work with you so I have to be on my best behavior" pretend nice either. It was a very genuine happy atmosphere. People said hi and hung out after work and I was just thrilled to be there. I spent most of my day getting to know my area, the people I work with and company policies so although not that exciting I couldn't really complain. It was a normal first day at a new job.

My second day I feel in love with my position. Now I was beginning to see the ins and outs of what I do and I quickly learned that a large part of my job involved planning fun activities for people at my company. Sure I answer phones and greet guests and do occasional office work of making copies, binding reports and stuffing envelopes but most of my day is spent organizing food truck visits, planning weekly volleyball games, organizing and delivering produce for our coop, Fun things that I get to be creative on.

This morning I had a doughnut truck visit that I had to make sure went smoothly followed by a random delivery of 140 mini boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and a meeting where we planned how we are going to distribute those boxes to the company. It's fun, its challenging, it's everything I ever wanted in a job but didn't know I would find under the title of office assistant.

So I urge you don't be frightened by the title of a position. If it sounds even remotely interesting go for it! Interview and ask lots of questions! Like me you may end up loving what you do!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Online Shopping Friend or Foe?

Shopping is one of those great activities that never fail to increase my mood. Buying pretty things, whether for myself or for someone else, always brings a smile to my face and boost to my mood. Add in the actual workout I receive by walking for miles and miles through a store and the Starbucks that I am sure I will buy to keep my hydrated and life is pretty perfect in that moment.

Than enter online shopping into the mix and things become a little wonky. I still get the happy mood of purchasing new items but I lose the added bonus of a little exercise and the Starbucks drink. but the convenience is just amazing. I get bored at work and I can browse for new clothes or shoes or accessories or, thanks to Amazon, pretty much anything that I want! Then when you get them in the mail it's like a little present. I get to open the box and enjoy the receiving of a new item. It's a much different happy than regular shopping because the anticipation for that item is crazy high, its not the instant gratification of find it and buy it. It's find it, want it, buy it, wait for it and then happy dance when I arrives.

However my bank account does not like my online shopping. Actually picking up the items and shopping for them manually causes me to really think and debate on if I actually need that item or if I just really want it. I have to hold it and handle it and really physically imagine the item at my house. Where with online shopping its just a simple click and it's mine. No debate, no worries just happy dances while you wait for it to arrive.

As much as I tell myself that I will not buy anything this week or today or this hour sometimes the temptation is just too hard. Either I'm bored or maybe I got an email or text letting me know there is some great sale and in 1-2 weeks I have a package in the mail full of fun goodies! Sometimes I feel like it's an addiction and I should really be saving this money for my future. You know when kids and mortgage and all that good adult stuff becomes a thing I have to deal with. But Carpe Diem I only have one shot at my mid-20s so I might as well spend them looking cute!

Besides at least I'm not addicted to drugs.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


In High School one of my good friends introduced me to a line of books by Karen Marie Moning, they were the Highlander series and they forever altered my idea of what a sexy man is.

For those of you who don't know what that is, it is a line of books that are basically fantasy and romance combined in a perfect blend for guaranteed reading pleasure. Check out her website for more specifics on her books

Much like Phillipa Gregory nurtured my love for all things Tudor, Karen Marie Moning showed me a love for the highlands I never even knew I had. Every time I read her books I was transported to a different world one where magic was possible, where men where men who took care of their women without making them seem subservient. They weren't looking for someone to just look pretty and meekly bear them children, they wanted a true partner. In these stories the women fought just as hard as the men (albeit not in actual hand to hand combat but once you read a description of these men you wouldn't want to try fighting them either). Here was an ancient world where women were honored and adored and seen as equals, yet still respected for their differences. It was understood that women stayed home with the kids and helped around the house while the men went out fighting, not because the women were subservient or that was "their place" but because that was where their talents were best at. I don't care how great of a fighter you are as a women if you are up against a man who is over 6 feet tall and pure muscle and all you have to fight with is a sword well I can tell you that 9 times out of 10 that woman will probably lose.
Granted I am sure this is not how it was in every household and that the Catholic church was at work in this area so I am sure they limited a lot of women's freedoms but the images and the women that she portrays are just amazing.
The great thing about books based in this time is that they all seem to show the same trend. The same community acceptance of strong, feisty, independent women.

Fast forward a few years, and while I still own all of the Highland series and still re-read them at least once a year whenever I am running low on new options, I am not nearly as obsessed with the Scottish culture as I was. There was a brief summer when my obsession was renewed due to a background search which showed that most of my ancestry is Scottish and Irish from my dad's side. That was not really new or shocking information but still it was kind of cool and nice to learn that the hunk of my dreams is not that different than me.

But eventually I moved on, concentrated on other things, and my dream of a Scottish Highlander Husband became a tiny memory in the corner of my heart. That is until Starz released their new series Outlander and I became hooked all over. I have not read the books yet, although I just purchased all of them off of Amazon because I can't wait for the library copies to become available, but after only 3 episodes I will gladly say that I am hooked. I was contemplating how long it would take for the episodes to be released on DVD because I want them on more than just my DVR.

Basically it is about a woman who travels back in time from 1940 to 1752 or 1753 Scottish Highlands. There she is involved with plots of the day and all the distrust that falls with being English in a land where the English are not very well liked. So far I really like the show, partially because of the male lead who is not just amazing to look at but I could listen to him speak Gaelic all day. I am not sure exactly how his character is described in the books, because I haven't read them but from what I have seen he seems like a perfect choice for the role.

I highly recommend everyone see the show, even if it is just to drool at the perfection that is Sam Heughan

Who wouldn't want to see that every day? Plus based on his twitter he seems like a pretty cool guy.

So if there are any men out there who can pull off a kilt, posses a Scottish or Irish accent and are willing to put a ring on it please let me know. I will gladly consider any marriage proposals. And don't worry my boyfriend already understands that he can consider himself single should my dreams ever have a chance of becoming reality.