So today is just a horrible day, actually scratch that it was a perfectly normal day with a horrible moment, I had my first fight with my boyfriend. We have been dating for over a year and have yet to fight. That's not to say that we haven't had disagreements but we have never resorted to angry words or all capitol texts or anything else. We are always able to calmly discuss our issues and figure out a way to solve the problem without resorting to screaming or other extremes. That is until today.
The worst part about this is that the fight was not about an action either one of us did it was about someone else not involved in our relationship that we are forced to tolerate. Basically one of his great friends is dating a girl no one can stand. And when I say no one that is not an exaggeration. If the girl was on fire in the middle of all of us I don't think a single guy would make the effort to pee on her. Now that is a pretty gross account of our dislike but once you meet the girl no one disagrees with that statement.
First off she is 20 in a world of 23 year olds and older. Normally that does not affect things except that she is 20 going on 15. She gets so distracted and bogged down in senseless drama that everyone else just doesn't care about and that is all she cares about. Also she's a word that rhymes with witch and begins with a capitol B! She took Mean Girls way to seriously and every comment that comes out of her mouth has to bring someone down. She wouldn't understand how to give a genuine compliment if that was her college major. Basically I don't like her but I have to put up with her because she is dating one of my boyfriend’s best friends.
You would think that all we would have to do is explain that hey we all hate her so you should stop bringing her around us, but this guy is so protective and sensitive that he would most likely end his friendship with everyone before he would end his relationship with a girl. This is bad because he really is a great fun guy and everyone loves to hang around him!
Now my boyfriend happens to live with this unfortunate fellow so Sunday night was her last night in town and they spent it at his house. If you have been watching the news you have probably heard about all the issues that have been happening in Ferguson, specifically the rioting that happened Sunday night. My boyfriend lives in that area so they were pretty close to where everything was taking place. This was while she was present in the house and began annoying the crap out of all the boys freaking out about the events, even though they live in a nice neighborhood and the riots never affected anything in their immediate area.
Monday my boyfriend and I spoke and he was complaining about the situation and her behavior so naturally I asked questions. As my mom described it when girls vent and complain we want someone to commiserate with us and ask us questions and get everything out over a long period of time, but boys have a completely different approach. They want a quick little rant and then be done. They don’t want to discuss details or go over anything in depth. So while my boyfriend was discussing the night’s events I was asking questions and collecting more information. This lead to him getting angry all over again about this girl and while he couldn’t get angry at this girl he could get angry at me.
Rude words were said, mean text messages sent and basically both of us ended up mad at each other because we couldn’t get mad at her.
Eventually we calmed down. He admitted he was wrong to yell at me when I was just asking questions and I apologized for getting mad at him and everything is fine again but my hatred and anger for this girl just continues to grow.
All I can say is that I really hope she watches her mouth the next time I am drinking around her because I can not.guarantee that all my frustration will be contained in the future.
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